Thursday, 9 August 2012

In the Rain with a Hiker Buddy

The weather forecast could have left us hopeless – rain all day.  Booooo!!!  But, we went out anyways.  After a few minutes on trail, I realized that all would be well.  We had come prepared, after all.  Onward along the Seaton Trail for a 16 km hike with rain gear in tow.
On the first leg near the corn fields.  There is hardly a drizzle.

It had been some time since I had seen my hiker buddy, Katy, so I was excited to meet up.  As it turned out, she could not join us at the start at the Forestream Rd trailhead, because her little Paige had to complete her beauty rest. (Aaah... the mystery of a baby who loves to sleep in.  My L’il Chica sleeps no later than 6:55 a.m.  Up and at 'em.  Want to play, Ma?).   We had to hike a good 6 km before we met up at the Whitevale trail head, so we kept a good pace.

Once we met up with Katy, we got to chatting about everything from her camping vacation, the Olympics (the whole Canadian Women’s Football drama), family, and, one of our favourite topics while killing calories, food! Home-made Mac & Cheese and wild blueberries topped the list.

After about 3 km we were at Green River and Highway 7 where we chilled for a bit at the community centre. Up to this point the drizzle had been light and we were well-sheltered under an ash tree. On the menu was PBJ sandwiches, peaches, water and bananas for L’il Chica and me. Katy and Paige’s spread included wild blueberries (thankfully they shared with us). Yummy :o) If you ever get a chance to sample wild blueberries (they are smaller and tastier than the store variety) take advantage of it. The extra cost is worth it.

L'il Chica and Paige taking a break from their carriers
Rain Cover for the Vaude Carrier
Rain Cover for the Deuter Carrier

By now, the drizzle was steadier, and we had to pull out the rain covers for the carriers.  First time for me... woo hoo!  We headed back south toward Whitevale with high spirits and lots of energy.  The girls were also happy despite the drizzly weather.  We hung out a bit at Whitevale to chat some more and to give Paige a stretch before the car ride home.  Sadly, L’il Chica and I had to say goodbye as we still had an hour or so to get back to where we parked at Forestream.  See you soon, Katy and Paige!
See you soon, Katy and Paige!

Alright, then. Still 6 km to go, all by our lonesomes. Wait! That would be ‘my’ lonesome. L’il Chica has fallen asleep within a few minutes – the inevitable on a long hike. The walk back is at times tough on my legs as I am getting tired, the hills on this southern part of the trail grow increasingly tougher, and L’il Chica is getting heavier as she grows. But, silence is golden, and the pitter-patter of the rain on the leaves make me forget my wet shoes and pants. 

I am Tired and Slouching on the Last Leg
Hmm... I'm also getting hungry. What's for lunch?
Home-made Mac & Cheese!  Thanks for a great morning, Katy and Paige.

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