Monday, 30 July 2012

After the Rain

Chilling at Duffins Creek south of Whitevale
Last week, we had family engagements and a few days of rain that kept us in and off the trails.  What a treat it was last Friday to get out on the Seaton Trail.  This time we hiked from Green River in the north of Pickering to just south of the hamlet of Whitevale.

With the wet grass grown so tall this summer, it was a good time to wear my zip-off hiking pants.  Lots of mosquitoes too.  I am currently looking for more long-sleeved light-weight tops and pants for L’il Chica. 
After a few days fo rain, the shrubs were wet
Slowing Down with a Toddler – We were happy to chill at our fave spots along Duffins Creek and at the Whitevale playground. L’il Chica likes it there as she can get a break from sitting in the backpack. Now that she’s walking and clippity-clopping everywhere, I sometimes feel that she’s being cooped up for too long in the carrier. It’s important for me that she gets a good break every 60-90 minutes to stretch her legs. Them’s the breaks when you’re hiking with toddler – makes for interesting discoveries, though!


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  1. Looks like she is clipping her nails lol

    1. You've got it! She MacGyvered a nail clipper out of a twig by rubbing it against rocks and using a bit of twine :o)
