So, it's been 2 weeks since I've been back to work; back to the classroom. Back to the germ-laden, bacteria-ridden, kiddie-booger-filled classroom. As such, I am sick with a cold and can not attend my first-scheduled hike in 2 weeks. Imagine ... ME!! Two weeks without hiking!!! After a summer filled with hiking all over the GTA and western Québec, this sucks the bucket.
1. I have less time to hike. For me, there's nothing worse than seeing a beautiful sunny day pass by and not being able to go out on the trails.
2. I have less time to hike with L'il Chica. I sure do miss her... all day.
3. I have to resort to 'weekend-hiker' status, whereas I used to be a proud 'Hiker Momma' on the trails just about every day. My hiking boots were getting worn out, too.
4. My week-day hikes are too short to be considered hikes (in my eyes, at least). I sometimes rush home, tired yet wanting to get out. But, a half-hour is about all I can get with L'il Chica.
5. After being bombarded with kiddie germs, I get to miss the one hike I was looking forward to all week... BOO!! I was really, really, really looking forward to going out on the Seaton trail with for a good day-long hike, but now... nothing :-(
6. I miss my meet-up crew of hiking parents and babes. These women are the best hiking group ever. The laughs we share about our ins and outs of motherhood are ... well... priceless.
7. My meet-up crew of hiker parents get to hike without me... how fair is that? Pout!!!
8. Even if I take my students on a hike in the forest right near our school, it is not be the same. Managing 25-30 tweens and teens on the trail for a rushed 45-minute hike is no fun. The complaints about bugs and 'imagined' bears are overbearing. There's nothing like hiking with a toddler who loves the outdoors.
9. I am becoming less fit. I can feel my muscles beginning to sag and my lungs start to labour as I tippy-tap.
10. I have less time to hike. Pout!
I will not count the number if "I's" in this post. Needless say, I must look on the brighter side of things. If I do go out tomorrow, I will not get rid of this despicable cold. I am planning a few fall hikes on the Bruce Trail though. Something to look forward to, I guess, once the germs of 180-odd children have run their course through me.
Ten Reasons I am Having a Crummy Back-to-School
1. I have less time to hike. For me, there's nothing worse than seeing a beautiful sunny day pass by and not being able to go out on the trails.
2. I have less time to hike with L'il Chica. I sure do miss her... all day.
3. I have to resort to 'weekend-hiker' status, whereas I used to be a proud 'Hiker Momma' on the trails just about every day. My hiking boots were getting worn out, too.
4. My week-day hikes are too short to be considered hikes (in my eyes, at least). I sometimes rush home, tired yet wanting to get out. But, a half-hour is about all I can get with L'il Chica.
5. After being bombarded with kiddie germs, I get to miss the one hike I was looking forward to all week... BOO!! I was really, really, really looking forward to going out on the Seaton trail with for a good day-long hike, but now... nothing :-(
6. I miss my meet-up crew of hiking parents and babes. These women are the best hiking group ever. The laughs we share about our ins and outs of motherhood are ... well... priceless.
7. My meet-up crew of hiker parents get to hike without me... how fair is that? Pout!!!
8. Even if I take my students on a hike in the forest right near our school, it is not be the same. Managing 25-30 tweens and teens on the trail for a rushed 45-minute hike is no fun. The complaints about bugs and 'imagined' bears are overbearing. There's nothing like hiking with a toddler who loves the outdoors.
9. I am becoming less fit. I can feel my muscles beginning to sag and my lungs start to labour as I tippy-tap.
10. I have less time to hike. Pout!
I will not count the number if "I's" in this post. Needless say, I must look on the brighter side of things. If I do go out tomorrow, I will not get rid of this despicable cold. I am planning a few fall hikes on the Bruce Trail though. Something to look forward to, I guess, once the germs of 180-odd children have run their course through me.